Financial Services

Client achieves savings and improved service with personalized 401(k) services.

Client Profile

Non-profit client with 50 employees located in Denver, Colorado.


The company was dissatisfied with its 401(k) vendor’s fees and customer service. The organization retained us to uncover alternative suppliers who could offer quality service in addition to lower fees.


We explored the best options for this client and, understanding their concerns and priorities, identified a preferred 401(k) vendor. We vetted the firm, introduced the principals to our client and ensured that the relationship got off to a positive start.


The client was thrilled they didn’t have to spend time looking elsewhere for 401(k) services, which saved them countless hours. And, by switching vendors, they achieved significant savings in 401(k) fees and also benefited from improved service. During enrollment, employees received one-on-one financial guidance, which helped to increase employee appreciation and participation in the 401(k) plan.